Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Christmas in MS & Playing in Snow

We were able to travel down to Mississippi on New Years day, so we could spend some time with our families. We had Christmas with my family and Jeremiah got a lot of goodies from his grandparents, aunts and uncles. We had a great time visiting with everyone. 

Jeremiah with his chuck trucks

Daddy with his cardinal shirt....loves it!!

You can't see his face, but he was so excited about Mrs. Potato head

Favorite toy of the day....Woody

This was our second snow of the season and it stayed around long enough for daddy to be able to play in it with us one day. Jeremiah has always had this strong dislike of snow....he never wanted to touch it, step in it or even cared to look at it. I think we are on a road of tolerance now and hopefully one day he will love it like his daddy loves it. We actually got him to go outside and play in it for five minutes. I knew I had to take pictures fast because it wasn't going to last long. His favorite part was being able to pick it up and throw it at us. 

Jeremiah & Daddy

Throwing snow at Mommy

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