Thursday, January 26, 2012

Train Ride & Presents From MS

As I explained in the previous post, my son (&husband) loves trains. Jeremiah loves train shirts, toys, pictures, or anything involving trains. We were able to travel to Greenville, IL to see their Christmas display and ride a miniature train setup by a local train club. Since moving to the IL area, I have noticed there are a lot of train clubs, so Jeremiah is getting plenty of opportunities to see trains and train displays. It was very cold that night, so we only looked at the Christmas lights briefly and rode the train.

Robert & Jeremiah in front of the blue Christmas tree

Robert & Jeremiah on the train

This was our first Christmas since moving away from our families in Mississippi, so Jeremiah got lots of boxes this year from the UPS man and our mail man. He began to love the sound of the doorbell before nap time each day because he knew he was getting another package. We made him wait to open his boxes until Christmas day after church, so here are a few pictures from that day.

A box from my Nat

This boy loves him some batteries!!

A truck from Aunt Judy

Goodies from Jamey

1 comment:

lydia said...

He has some of the cutest facial expressions! Looks like y'all had a wonderful Christmas!