She had a great time at her party and loved eating that cupcake. I appreciate my parents letting me use their house and all of Susannah's aunts, uncles, grandparents, great-aunts/uncles, cousins and friends for attending and celebrating that special day with us.
She received a good report at her twelve month visit. The cpap machine is helping her sleep better at night, allowing her body to rest well and has helped her gain some weight. At twelve months old, she weighed 12lbs 8.5ounces and was 23 3/4inches long.
Things I am doing at twelve months:
- She is a great sleeper in her bed, but not in the car or at church. She likes to sleep late in the morning.
- Susannah loves playing on the floor, rolling around and starting to crawl wherever she wants to go.
- Teething has not bothered her at all....she has two teeth on top and three on bottom.
- She takes a short morning nap and a longer afternoon nap.
- Susannah is a very nosey girl and loves to people watch.
- She has started forming some words, but mainly just dada.
- Sitting up has been a challenge, but she is getting stronger each day and is determined to master it.
- Eating is a favorite activity now....she will drop everything she is doing when she hears a wrapper being opened or sees someone getting a snack.
- At twelve months, this stubborn girl had weaned herself from nursing, but wouldn't take a cup either. She held out for about two months, but is now drinking out of a cup.
- She is still wearing 0-3 month clothes, but they are getting a little snug. She is in a size two diaper.
- Personality has developed and these are a few words to describe Miss Susannah....strong willed, determined, contagious smile, and sweet spirit.
- She loves her big brother and thinks he hung the moon.
Happy birthday Susannah! are you guys going to nationals?
No, we are not going this year. We have never been, but hope to make it in 2015.
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