Monday, December 12, 2011

Mini Vacation to Nashville

Robert had off this past Friday, so we took a mini vacation to Nashville, TN for a little fun. We wanted to go on one fun trip with Jeremiah before the baby arrives in March. We stayed in a Holiday Inn across from the Gaylord Opryland hotel. For the past two/three years, we had been wanting to go to the ICE! exhibit put on by the Opryland hotel and it never worked out. We were very happy that it worked out this year. The exhibit was great and Jeremiah loved seeing all the animals made from ice. He got cold about halfway through and was ready to go so he could warm back up. Here are some pictures from the exhibit:

I have included this link to the rest of the pictures that I uploaded to facebook. You can see a lot more pictures by clicking on this link.

As you can see from the pictures, we had a great time and enjoyed our family time together. We went to eat at the Cock of the Walk on Friday night and Jeremiah loved eating off the tin plates and drinking from tin cups. The lady came out to toss the cornbread and catch it...he loved watching that and told her, "wow...good job". We ended the night by walking around the Gaylord Opryland hotel and viewing the beautiful decorations.


Caden and Mommy said...

WOW! That ice exhibit looks amazing. I cant imagine the hours and dedication it take of the employees to create all of those.
Hooray for one last adventure as a family of three :0)

lydia said...

Nashville is one of my very favorite places! It's great a great weekend trip from Illinois! Looks like y'all had a lot of fun!